Stating the background can help the team and stakeholders agree on the importance of this work. It can also help the team to gather essential resources, such as team members, and help keep team members engaged throughout the project.
Intro to QI: Project Charter
What is a Background?
The Background section of the Project Charter answers the questions “WHY?” and “WHY NOW?”.
Relevant background information is provided to explain why this is important for patient care. It creates a sense of urgency and may include high-level summary data to validate the reasons for the project, and references to literature reporting how other organisations have performed or improved in this area.
How Can it Help?
Example 1: Connecting Journeys Project Charter
The orderly IT system at Waitemata DHB, Task Manager, is the primary method of task allocation and management for the orderlies, Level 1 & Deprox cleaners and transit care team.
In 2016, 393,889 jobs were created in Task Manager. It is a very busy system trying to cope on old, unsupported software and any delays in use of the system can result in orderly delays, and thus, patient delays.
Example 2: Sepsis Project Charter
Sepsis is a time critical, life threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs. It can be present in any patient, in any clinical setting and is a medical emergency just like a heart attack or stroke. If not treated in time, sepsis can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure and death (mortality).
Each week, there are more than 10 patients with confirmed sepsis, 1 in five of which will die. The Waitemata DHB Survive Sepsis Improvement Collaborative aim is to improve the identification and treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed sepsis to reduce inpatient sepsis mortality to less than 15% by World Sepsis Day 2017.